“Eos” archive available online!

University of Wrocław Digital Library offers full-text access to “Eos” 1940–2015. Volumes 2016 and 2017 will be uploaded in due course. Volumes 2018 and following are available in the University of Wrocław Digital Repository, with a moving wall of two years. Upcoming issues will be added systematically after two years of publication of each fascicle.

This work has been a part of the SON program (Społeczna Odpowiedzialność Nauki, Social Responsibility of Scholarship) announced by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science. The Institute of Classical, Mediterranean and Oriental Studies at the University of Wrocław has received funding for the project in the module: “Support for scientific libraries in the years 2021-2023.” The project is titled “Development, digitization and sharing of the collection of the Polish Philological Society (1946–2018).” The person in charge of the implementation of the project is Professor Katarzyna Biernacka-Licznar.

Issues 1894–1950 had been previously made available by the Digital Library of Wielkopolska.