“Kurier Warszawski”, 1894, nr 349 – news about the release of the first fascicle of “Eos”:
“Under the title ‘Eos’, a journal edited by Professor Ludwik Ćwikliński began to be published in Lviv. It is the official publication of the Philological Society. The first issue included four papers written in Latin.”
Former editors of “Eos”
- Ludwik Ćwikliński (1853-1942), founder of „Eos”, editor of vols. I 1894–VII 1901.
- Jerzy Danielewicz (b. 1942), editor of vols. LXVII 1979–LXX 1982, LXXII 1984, fasc. 2–LXXV 1987, fasc. 1.
- Sylwester Dworacki (b. 1937), editor of vols. LXVII 1979–XC 2003; since vol. LXXXIII 1995 editor in-chief. With 24 volumes prepared by him, D. is the longest-standing editor of “Eos”.
- Ryszard Gansiniec (1888-1958), editor of vols. XXV 1921/1922–XXXV 1934.
- Jerzy Kowalski (1893-1948), editor of vols. XL 1939, XLI 1940–1946 and XLII 1947.
- Jerzy Krókowski (1898-1967), editor of vols. XLV 1951, fasc. 1 and XLVI 1952/1953–LVI 1966.
- Jerzy Łanowski (1919-2000), editor of vols. XLIX 1957/1958, fasc. 2 and L 1958/1959–LVII 1967/1968.
- Leszek Mrozewicz (b. 1951), editor of vols. LXXXIII 1995–XC 2003.
- Herbert Myśliwiec (1926-1998), editor of vols. LXXXIII 1995 and LXXXIV 1996.
- Jan Sajdak (1882-1967), editor of vols. XXIII 1918 and XXIV 1919/1920.
- Tadeusz Sinko (1877-1966), editor of vols. XVI 1910–XXVII 1924.
- Franciszek Smolka (1883-1942), editor of vols. XXXVII 1936–XXXIX 1938.
- Wiktor Steffen (1903-1997), editor of vols. XLIII 1948–XLVIII 1956 and XLIX 1957/1958, fasc. 1.
- Władysław Strzelecki (1905-1967), editor of vols. XLIII 1948/1949–LI 1961.
- Jan Wikarjak (1914-1983), editor of vols. LVIII 1969/1970–LXXI 1983.
- Stanisław Witkowski (1866-1950), editor of vols. VIII 1902–XV 1915.
- Andrzej Wójcik (1926-2009), editor of vols. LXXV 1987, fasc. 2 and LXXVI 1988–LXXIX 1991.
- Tadeusz Zieliński (1859-1944), editor of vols. w XXV 1921/1922–XXXV 1934.
Biographical notes of former editors of “Eos” can be found in the article published in the jubilee volume: Maciej H. Dąbrowski, Aleksandra Łambucka (University of Wrocław), Former Editors of “Eos”: Biographical Notes, “Eos” C 2013, fasc. 2, p. 404–416.