Eos CX (2023), fasc. 1–2


  • Robert Zaborowski, A Eulogy of Achilles, pp. 7–33. [First page]
  • Thorsten Fögen, On the Occurrence of Lions in the Greek and Roman World, pp. 35–67. [First page]
  • Salvatore Tufano, A New Hypotheis on Aristoxenus’ Works and the Birth of the Legend of Epaminondas, pp. 69–81. [First page]
  • Krzysztof Tomasz Witczak & Mikołaj Rychło, Pytheas of Massalia and his Voyage to the North Atlantic in the Light of Onomastics, pp. 83–107.
  • Emilia Żybert, Verbal Parallelisms and Echo Effect in Nicander’s Alexipharmaca, pp. 109–126. [First page]
  • Ewa Orłowska, The Dialect Choice in the Epigrams on Myron’s Cow, pp. 127–141. [First page]
  • Andrzej Łoś, Servius Tullius peut-il être identifié à Mastarna ? pp. 143–161. [First page]
  • Danuta Okoń, Military Tribunate in the Careers of Roman Senators of the Severan Period. Part 4: Governorships of Praetorian and Consular Provinces, pp. 163–192. [First page]
  • Jakub Zbądzki, Reviving the Batrachomyomachia in the Renaissance: Tracing Three Modes of Poem Reception in Latin Literature, pp. 193–211. [First page]
  • Antonius Haaker, De Graeco codice bibliothecae academicae Wratislaviensis Germanice exarato (sic!), pp. 213–228. [First page]


  • Bartłomiej Bednarek, Argus’ Wink: On the Advantages of Reading Ovid’s Metamorphoses with One Hundred Eyes, pp. 229–234. [First page]
  • Antoine Haaker, Una lettera di Niccolò Zoravio (Mikołaj Żórawski, 1595–1665) a Leone Allacci, pp. 235–240. [First page]