- Robert Zaborowski, A Eulogy of Achilles, pp. 7–33. [First page]
- Thorsten Fögen, On the Occurrence of Lions in the Greek and Roman World, pp. 35–67. [First page]
- Salvatore Tufano, A New Hypotheis on Aristoxenus’ Works and the Birth of the Legend of Epaminondas, pp. 69–81. [First page]
- Krzysztof Tomasz Witczak & Mikołaj Rychło, Pytheas of Massalia and his Voyage to the North Atlantic in the Light of Onomastics, pp. 83–107.
- Emilia Żybert, Verbal Parallelisms and Echo Effect in Nicander’s Alexipharmaca, pp. 109–126. [First page]
- Ewa Orłowska, The Dialect Choice in the Epigrams on Myron’s Cow, pp. 127–141. [First page]
- Andrzej Łoś, Servius Tullius peut-il être identifié à Mastarna ? pp. 143–161. [First page]
- Danuta Okoń, Military Tribunate in the Careers of Roman Senators of the Severan Period. Part 4: Governorships of Praetorian and Consular Provinces, pp. 163–192. [First page]
- Jakub Zbądzki, Reviving the Batrachomyomachia in the Renaissance: Tracing Three Modes of Poem Reception in Latin Literature, pp. 193–211. [First page]
- Antonius Haaker, De Graeco codice bibliothecae academicae Wratislaviensis Germanice exarato (sic!), pp. 213–228. [First page]
- Bartłomiej Bednarek, Argus’ Wink: On the Advantages of Reading Ovid’s Metamorphoses with One Hundred Eyes, pp. 229–234. [First page]
- Antoine Haaker, Una lettera di Niccolò Zoravio (Mikołaj Żórawski, 1595–1665) a Leone Allacci, pp. 235–240. [First page]
- Another Handbook of Plato’s Philosophy (and More): A Review Paper: Gerald A. Press, Mateo Dusque (eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Plato, 2nd edn., London 2023 (Artur Pacewicz), pp. 241–246.
- Carmelo Salemme, Lucrezio e il problema della conoscenza. De rerum natura 4, 54–822, Bari 2021 (Heiko Ullrich), pp. 247–251.
- Was will und zu welchem Ende schreibt Man ein Catull-Handbuch? Ein Rezensionsaufsatz: Ian Du Quesnay, Tony Woodman (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Catullus, Cambridge 2021 (Heiko Ullrich), pp. 252–260.
- Warren S. Smith, Religion and Apuleius’ Golden Ass. The Sacred Ass, New York 2022 (Mateusz Stróżyński), pp. 261–263.
- In Search of a Holistic Approach: The Marcomannic Wars and the Antonine Plague Viewed from the Perspective of the Northern Frontier and Beyond (A Review Article): Michael Erdrich, Balázs Komoróczy, Paweł Madejski, Marek Vlach (eds.), Marcomannic Wars and Antonine Plague: Selected Essays on Two Disasters That Shook the Roman World (Die Markomannenkriege und die Antoninische Pest. Ausgewählte Essays zu zwei Desastern, die das Römische Reich erschütterten), Brno 2020 (Wojciech Pietruszka), pp. 264–273.
- Roberto Peressin, La versione greca dell’orazione “Pro Archia poeta” di Mikołaj Żórawski (1632). Contributi all’edizione e allo studio del testo, Berlin 2020 (Antoine Haaker), pp. 274–276.