- Kenneth Moore, Xenophon’s ‘Sustained Civic Income’ in the Ways and Means: Naïve, Exploitative and/or a Plan Ahead of Its Time? (pp. 11–53) [first page]
- Gościwit Malinowski, Arimaspi and Issedonians Reconsidered (pp. 55–87) [first page]
- Damian Pierzak, The Ara Pacis and the Date of Augustus’ Restoration of the Flamonium Diale: A Note on Tac. Ann. III 58, 2 and Dio LIV 36, 1 (pp. 89–97) [first page]
- Jeffrey Tatum, Plutarch and the Performance of Belatedness at Nicias 1 (pp. 99–124) [first page]
- Elżbieta Wesołowska, Tuticanus and his Secret: Hypothetical Considerations (Ovid, Ex Ponto IV 12, IV 14, and IV 16) (pp. 125–133) [first page]
- Kamil Biały, Xiphilinus and the Alexandrian Embassy of 57 BC (pp. 135–152) [first page]
- Michał Choptiany, Dudithiana novissima (cum minutia Bezana): Two overlooked letters by Andreas Dudith and unrecorded entries from the liber amicorum of Jan and Adam Čejka (pp. 153–174) [first page]
- Grzegorz Bartusik, ‘Father of the People’: The Ancient Roman Metaphor for the Ruler in Medieval Icelandic Contexts (pp. 175–197) [first page]
- Michał Bzinkowski, Nikos Kazantzakis’ Travelling: The Morea – Byzantium as an Ideological Construct or a Unique Source of Personal Inspiration? (pp. 199–225) [first page]
- Elwira Kaczyńska & Krzysztof Tomasz Witczak, Ancient Greek ΣΤΑΧΥΣ and ΑΣΤΑΧΥΣ: Semantic and Morphological Discrepancies (pp. 227–242) [first page]
- Marek Stachoń, Ein Sonett an Leuconous: Marian Hemars polnische Nachdichtung von Horaz’ Ode I 11 (pp. 243–250) [first page]
- Pierre-Jacques Dehon, Retour en terrain connu: igne vs imbre dans Tibulle I 1, 48 (pp. 251–259) [first page]
- Boris Kayachev, Tibullus I 1, 78: An Emendation (pp. 261–263) [first page]
- Wojciech Sowa, Zum lesbischen Wort für Stein – ψᾶφαξ (Gregor von Korinth Περὶ Αἰολ. 66) oder ψᾶφιγξ? (pp. 265–274) [first page]
- Marcin Kurpios, Revisiting Hellenistic Historiography: The Dynamics of the Human Psyche. Review of: Dirk Rohmann, Psychologie in der hellenistischen Geschichtsschreibung,
- Stuttgart 2023 (pp. 275–279) [full text]
- Martin Stöckinger, Review of: Rafał Matuszewski, Being Alone in Antiquity: Greco-Roman Ideas and Experiences of Misanthropy, Isolation and Solitude, Berlin–Boston 2022 (pp. 280–282) [full text]
- Katarzyna Ochman , A New Chapter in Gellian Studies. Review of: Scott J. DiGiulio, Reading Miscellany in the Roman Empire: Aulus Gellius and the Imperial Prose Collection, New York 2024 (pp. 283–287) [full text]